https://preview.redd.it/l8a9mnrno1yc1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=423a3bd9d82b8ee565dad5042f14ca94a262452b The screenshot is from Google which says 64% of Americans are financially literate but I think the number is much less than this. I'm also a millennial and feel my generation is more financially literate than older generations despite what the Google data says but it could just be the circle of people that I associate with. And what does it mean exactly to be financially literate – does having very elementary financial competency make someone financially literate? I don't by any means consider myself a financial expert but I feel what I know is above and beyond that of the average person. I'm amazed at how many people don't really understand investing, how the stock market works, how interest works, amortization, what makes up their credit score. People might have a 401K and a mortgage and credit cards but don't fully understand exactly what those things are. I am realizing this recently as I am having conversations with the average person about Bitcoin. It's a crypto currency, it's a new asset class – What's an asset class? They just came out with Bitcoins ETFs – What's an ETF? So going back to the title of the post how many people are actually financially literate? submitted by /u/Itchy-Radish-4900 |